Accueil > Nos actions > Journal de Bord des Opérations > Vacances Scientifiques > Sur les traces du Loup > Séjour « Sur les traces du loup » Yellowstone du 2022-08-14 au 2022-08-28
Le Journal de Bord
August 14 - 15
Remi, Titouan
After a long day of travel, we arrived in Bozeman international airport in Montana !
4 of us (Eole, Océane, Remi and Jérémie) hadn’t their luggages so we ask to the company to offer us a night at the hotel in the order to cath our luggages the day after.
A very good night (with four pillows for each of us !) to start our trip in the rockies in the better way !
After a big breakfast we went to our fist campsite close to livingstone and set up the camp just before Dailey lake where we spend a beautiful afternoon in the middle of the mountains.
We did our fist wildlife encouters (Osprey Pandion Haliaetus, White-tailed deer Odocoileus virginianus and other species of passerines and waterbirds).
Then we came back to the camp to do the list of the species we had identified and prepared the diner.
We will keep you in touch in few days, because tomorrow after buying food we will spend time in the middle of wilderness of the Yellowstone and Grand Teton Nationals Parks.
August 16
After a first night in the tents, we packed everything and we start our trip to Grand Teton National Park.
The step was to drop Benoît in livingstone, where we met Cody who was bulding a huge house close to the Yellowstone River.
After that we did a stop to buy some food at Bozeman and finally we took the road for the day !
We ate in the forest just before West Yellowstone ! Then we drove in the middle of fields until Grand Teton pass (almost 2500 m !) where we met again the mountains.
At the end of the day we arrived in Gros Ventre Campground and some of us see a Progohrn and Red-tailed hawk Buteo Jamanensis.
Now it’s time to eat before a good night to be ready for the discovery of Grand Teton National Park.
See you !
August 17
After a first night in the Grosventre campground in the Grand Teton NP, we woke up to go hiking in the black-tail hill which is in front of our camp.
So we took the car and we saw a herd of Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) on the way. There were two babies in the group and it was a great observation.
When we arrived at the beginning of the trail, we discovered a wonderful landscape with the Grand Teton mount.
Then, we walked up to the top of the hill and we observed a lot of birds during the way like a family of Greater sage grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) with a female and three babies, it was awesome. We also saw Humming birds and a lot of other species in the forest. At the top, we took the lunch and observed a lot of raptors like the American kestrel (Falco sparverius). In the descent we saw quickly a Moose (Alces alces), we were so happy to see it for the first time.
After this trail, we went back to the camp and took a shower in the river. It was so cool to swim in the water and we even saw two snakes on the way.
Then, we went to the amphitheater to listen the conference of a ranger. We learned a lot of things about the importance of fire (it can have benefits and not only disavantages for the plants) and we discussed with the ranger, it was very interesting. After that, we ate dinner and went to sleep.
August 18
This morning, we went to a visitor center. We learnt a lot about the animals living in the park and about the formation of mountains. Some of us bought souvenirs.
Then, we did a little loop called « Moose pond ». We saw many animals like a Moose (in a lake) and a Bald eagle. We also ate our lunch and then, we wrote all the species we saw the previous days in our fieldbook. After that, we went into a lake with an incredible view of the mountains. It was a very calm moment that we all really enjoyed.
We returned to the visitor center in order to interview a ranger about the return of the wolf in the park and its consequences. We learnt a lot of things and it helped us to improve our english. Finally, we came back to the camp. We worked on our scientific project and decided the final form of the transmission. We will do a poster with what we learnt during the science camp. We are not sure yet about the topic but for sure, something about the wolfes and probably their preys. Some of us swam in the river and took wood for the camp. Indeed, we made a fire and used it to cook some corn. The dinner was very good. Then, we did quickly the dishes and went to bed because tomorrow is gonna be a big day. We need a lot of energy to do a bivouac in the middle of the mountains !!! Name of the camping site : death canyon.
August 19
We waked up early this morning to go camping in the nature. So we took the car and went to the beginning of the trail that reaches death canyon, our destination for the night.
After 30 minutes of walking, we had a beatiful view on a lake and we discovered awesome landscapes.
We continued the way and Élodie saw a black thing in the grass that seemed to move... It was a black Bear. He was eating and he has accepted our presence. It was just incredible to observed for the first time this animal.
Then, we were looking for Mooses because a guy before us saw them so he was so excited. Indeed, behind a tree, a young female was eating near the trail. We continued our trail quickly to not disturb this animal which is realy imprevisible. Just after that, we saw the male which was realy hidden behind vegetation. Even if it was complicated to watch it, we saw the horns on his head thanks to binoculars.
We were so lucky to see that, but it was’nt finished !
On the middle of the trail, we saw a Black bear for the second time. It was sooooo close and he was also eating. It was amazing to see a bear at this distance. The observation was unic.
We left the bear so as not to disturb him, and we ate lunch.
Then, we walked up to the top of the canyon and the view was breathtaken : Moutains, Forest, River, Lake... It was so cool to walk in this place with such beatiful landscapes. We also discovered a lot of Chipmunks and Pikas that were playing in the rocks. There were also a lot of birds that we’ve never seen before.
Just before the end of the day, it began raining. In this atmosphere, Jérémie, Rémi, Aline and me saw an incredible scene : a mother Black bear and its baby. They were very close and they quickly went back away because the mother protected the baby. We tried to make some noise to show to the animals that we were’nt dangerous for them because Black bears have a very bad vision, so they can be worried if they think we are a threat for them. This observation was incredible once more.
Just after we arrived on the camp place and set up our tents, some hail began to fall so we went in our tents, and were waiting for the shower to end.
In the evening, we ate and went to sleep early to be in good shape for the return and the descent of the day after.
August 20
We woke up with the Sunrise and it was very fresh. We ate our breakfast, said goodbye to our neighbours and we started to fold our tents. Then we took half an hour to look at the wild life in the middle of the mountains, unfortunately we didn’t see anything except some birds. We left our campsite and after a few minutes of walk we saw 2 golden eagles. It was huge.
At noon we stopped at the lake to swim and have our lunch. Then we continued to walk till the end of the hike.
Oh and we forgot to tell you that yesterday we met some people that we saw again today. They needed our help because they left their keys in the wrong car, so Jeremie and Rémi brought them their good keys in the good car. By the way we stopped for a drink because we all were thirsty. When we arrived to the campground we pitched our tents and had a little rest time. Now we’re cooking for the dinner and see you tomorrow.
August 21
This morning was very scientific. Jéjé has talked to us a lot about wolves before we started working on our project. Then, we had lunch at the Campground and we went to the washing machines where we could call our family and then we went to the grocery. After that, we discovered the center of Jackson hole and some of us bought souvenirs !! We also had really delicious ice creams.
One group went to a knife store and the other group vidited 3 shops very quickly to find stamps (mum you will recognize me) and during this moment Mimi went to the liquors store because he thought it was a Mapple sirop store !! After, we came back to the Campground and started to cook and we played a game in teams on Yellowstone. Before dinner, Lolo invited our neighbours to eat some grilled marshmallows but they were very talkative so, because we wanted to go to sleep early, we didn’t want them to talk a lot (even if they were very sympathic)... Finally, when we went to invite them, they were too tired to come so we ate our marshmallows with the group and went to bed early !
By loulou and lolo
August 23
Back to school D-9 💀
So, this morning, some of us went to the lake (which is almost dry) at the end of the campsite and saw some beautiful sandhill crane. During this time, two other tired girls were sleeping (us.
Then, we took the breakfast and went to Yellowstone. During the way to the park we stopped to see some bisons. We arrived to mud volcanos and we saw mud bubbling and fumeroles, it was awesome ! After that we found a place to eat close to the lake. We had fun, played games...
Finally we went to West Thumbs and saw hot springs and fumeroles with a view on the lake. We went to Grant village to a visitor center to find some more informations for our poster. For our pleasure we took a shower and went back to the campsite. On the road we stopped to Moose Fall. At the campsite we worked on our poster, ate a very good meal and watched a film !
See you Océane & Eole.
August 24
Some of us woke up at 6.45am to see the sunrise and look for animals but we just saw birds. After, we came back to the camp to eat pancakes. Then, we drove to Dunraven pass and on the road we saw many animals (bisons, elk...). After that, we started the hike of Mont Washburn. Butterfly (for ex : Rocky mountain parnassian only found in high elevation), Common raven, Clark’s Nutcrakers, Bighorn sheeps, etc.
We ate at the top with the sight of a beautiful 360°C view !!! An American pipit came to say Hello and we went back exactly at the moment when it started to pit.
Mimi perceived a juvenile Mule deer that we could contemplate for a while.
We drove back and stopped at Canyon waterfalls (lower falls), nice view on the yellow rocks. On the road, we met Steve a Canadian just finishing his backpacking trip (1500km) from Alberta ! Awesome meet, we invited him for dinner and spoke together during the evening (after a little working time).
Dodo at 9am.
Author : Me = mimi
August 25
This morning, we woke up at 4 am because we had planned to go to Pilgrim Creek in order to see or hear wolves and grizzly bears. Unfortunately, it was raining cats and dogs so we switched the plan of tomorrow and today. Therefore, we re-went to bed until 7am.
We ate our breakfast and let a little letter to Steve (he was still sleeping). Then, we went to the Grand Prismatic. The colors were incredible and Elodie explained us their origins. After that, we went to Uper Geyser basin and we saw the Old Faithful geyser and others hotsprings and geysers.
We had our lunch and stayed some time in the shops to buy souvenirs. Then, we went to Jackson Lodge and asked for the book of recent observations of wildlife (and we catched some WiFi).
Finally, we came back to the camp and worked on our project. We will try to watch the end of the movie tonight and go to bed early because tomorrow, it is the last chance to see wolves at 4am...
August 26
August 27
coming soon
August 28
After a last night in the tent, we woke up in Montana, between fields and river. We enjoyed also the last sunrise of the trip, it was amazing.
On the hill in front of us, we saw deers in the morning light, it was magic to see their shape on the sky.
We packed up all the bags and tents and observed the last species before the departure : Osprey, Bald eagles, kingfisher...
We took the car to the airport were we said goodbye to Jeremie and we went into the plane for Mineapolis.
After arriving, we ate before the last fight and then took the plane for Paris.
August 29
During, the flight, we laughed a lot, played and watch movies. We enjoyed the last moments of the trip.
When we arrived in Paris, we met our family and said goodbye to everybody, it was difficult to leave all the friends we met.
But we will see each other again soon during the week of preparation for the presentation of our work in front of the UNO, it will be in October...